Sir, what?
No, not sir. Surrogate!
A surrogate is a women who agrees to carry and deliver a baby for another couple. Yes friends, I’m pregnant with a baby that’s not mine. I’ve agreed to provide a safe place for my brother and sister-in-love’s little baby to grow and develop until their earth debut.
How did this come about?
I’ve been walking alongside my brother/sister in-love on this journey for a while. Knowing their personal story, challenges and desires I had a thought cross my mind about carrying their child. However, at that time it conflicted with that season of my life. Little did I know, so much in our lives would change. It’s amazing how this little seed of an idea from roughly two years ago blossomed into our current reality.
February 2023, I shared with my brother/sister this once thought of being their surrogate. When I jokingly asked my brother if he would get in the birthing tub with me, I was prepared for him to be grossed out by the idea. Think about it for a second… There could be various types of discharge floating in the water (blood, mucus, feces, etc.) plus at least the lower half of my body will naturally be exposed. What brother would really want to see this, right? Certainly he would turn his nose up at the idea. Ha, not my brother. His desire for his child was so much greater! In response I received a question full of wonder and something of joy “you would actually carry our baby?!”.
One weekend when the three of us were together exploring a new city, we visited a church we came across. In the middle of praise and worship peace fully entered my heart. It brought tears to my eyes to know God was calling me to carry someone else’s precious baby. What an honor and a privilege! I didn’t initially share with them how I was feeling. I sat with these thoughts, prayed and once I received peace I shared my openness to becoming their surrogate.
After leaving them with the option to decide if they were really interested in exploring it, our conversations began to evolve. And oh my, how quick things progressed.
Meet the soon-to-be parents and learn more about their journey
A special thank you to my old teammate who willingly shared her surrogate journey with me. To know someone who has walked through this journey that could provide real personal insight was invaluable.
To my support group of friends and family thank you for the prayers, voicing your concerns, checking in on my well-being and our continued conversations. Your trust in me, which is rooted in God, means the world to me.
To my daughter, mommy loves you, always! I enjoyed pregnancy with you so much to even offer something this. I can’t wait to grow in this season with you. You’ll be an amazing big cousin.
To my brother and sister, I love you! I am honored to walk alongside you in this season. It’s a privilege to carry your precious little love seed. I’m humbled by how much you trust me with something so delicate.
Last but certainly not least, to our precious little miracle baby, let’s do this! Grow beautifly in there. And enjoy your many cuddles with your big cousin! You are already so loved. We can’t wait to meet you! P.s. your parents are pretty awesome, you’ll see!