Top 5 workout gear during pregnancy
Stretch and Pray Fitness Class
Working out during pregnancy is one of the best decisions a woman could make not just for herself but also for the growing baby. Intensity, focus and duration may vary from person to person. I’ve included my top 5 workout gear which could be used for any fitness level during pregnancy.
Good and faithful water bottle
Hydration is always key to a healthy lifestyle however hydration for a pregnant women is even more vital. Keep a reliable water bottle on hand. Ensure you intake at least 64 oz a day. If you’re like me, having an insulated water bottle to keep my water cold makes it so much easier to achieve my water goals.
Yoga blocks
I bought my yoga blocks a few years ago to explore how I could incorporate them in my stretch routine. During this pregnancy I’ve been able to use my blocks to help deepen stretches despite my growing belly. They are great tools to help stretch and loosen my back (particularly in the first trimester). And they have come in hand to sit on when sitting on floor to support your pelvic floor.
Maternity pants
My first pregnancy I didn’t invest in maternity clothes. I only owned one pair of pregnancy leggings. I was determined to make what I had in my closet work for me. And honestly, I was able to fit what I had for a while. This time around I can’t fit any of my regular clothes. This growing belly grew faster than my first pregnancy. I have grown to enjoy the comfort of having my pregnancy leggins that comfortably cover my belly. Between Amazon, Shein, Target and Marshalls are my go to stores.
Exercise ball
I’m not really sure why I didn’t use my ball more during my first pregnancy but I love my ball now. It’s a great alternative to a chair. It helps increase comfort in pelvic floor for anyone carrying a low baby and relieves pressure off lower back. It’s a great stretching tool. I use my ball to stretch so many different areas on my body. Becoming comfortable with your ball will ultimately help when labor begins.
Non-slip socks
I may not always make it to the gym so having home gear that will keep me safe helps me stay on track to meet my goal of staying active. When working out at home or practicing my evening stretches my non-slip socks come in hand. Since balance becomes an issue for many women during pregnancy non-slip socks is one I’d highly recommend. Having the additional balance support helpful.
Check out the resource tab (at the top) for additional workout gear suggestions. Thanks for reading!