Wash ‘N Go
Last weekend I decided to let my hair “be” - be how God originally created it. Since the weather was so lovely I knew it was the perfect time to style my Wash 'N Go. I wore it with great joy, a smile and confidence knowing all that I previously went through. It’s been well over a year since I last wore my hair this way. I tend to stay away from Wash ‘N Go's during the cold months for various reasons. First to avoid getting sick then to reduce any chances of hair breakage. Truth is, two months after I birthed my daughter I decided to color my hair. Between postpartum shedding and various chemicals put in my hair I had a lot of damage and hair loss. I hadn’t experience much postpartum shedding until this point. This put me in a hair shock. I couldn't believe I had bald spots, multiple bald spots. It was a challenge having to relearn my hair. The fact I could see and feel the damage of my hair broke my heart. I consistently tried to hide the imperfections of my hair with various styles. Even my two-strand twists felt thinner than before. This made me even consider chopping all my hair off so it can regrow all together. I know many women experience hair loss due to postpartum shedding but it was very overwhelming for me. I take great pride in my hair. I'd spent so much time on my hair previously that I couldn’t believe I had to go through this again.
Lucky for me we were quarantined during this time. Once I noticed what was happening I made immediate changes. I intentionally stayed away from heat, leaving my hair in protective styles all year. My wash day routine became more refined. Scheduling regular wash and deep conditioning days in advance cut out any uncertainty of when I needed to work on my hair again. I was sure to always detangle and moisturize my hair. In the evenings I’d massaged a mixture of Jamaican Black Castor Oil and Coconut Oil directly on the damaged areas. When I first started this I’d use a little of this mixture once a day. After about a month I reduced this to 3-4 times a week then later twice a week. At this point I only put oil directly on my scalp the night before I plan to wash my hair. I'll also add a little to my scalp immediately after washing it using the L.O.C method (Leave-in conditioner, Oil, Cream). I centered this timing around wash days to avoid too much buildup. You'll want to be cautious of buildup so you don't suffocate your scalp. Regardless of the oils you try remember your scalp creates it's own oils. A little goes a long way. This routine helped stimulate my scalp, prevent further breakage and strengthened my hair. Through this experience I became more conscious about how frequent I needed to deep condition my hair. I went from once every 3-4 weeks to every two weeks. I used an Argan Oil Hair Mask that has fatty acids to moisturize your hair. It actually treats both the hair and scalp. As you can tell this was not an over night process. The more time progressed I slowly but surely started to feel a change. I felt new growth. In some areas the thickness of my hair even began to return. Though my hair is still not fully where it once was I am glad I stayed the course. All the time I put into to rejuvenating and reviving my hair is paying off.
This is why I was so excited to wear my Wash ‘N Go. Though it took some time to style, it was worth every moment. While sectioning off my hair to complete the L.O.C method, I was able evaluate the health of each curl. It brought me great joy to see how my curl pattern is bouncing back. Wash ‘N Go’s are meant to be a quick, on the run hairstyle which is perfect for the summer. Once I completed the initial style, up keep was relatively easy. The most effort I put into my hair was at night. Using a little bit of water and Cantu I'd gently separate my hair putting it in big, loose twists to preserve my curls. This likely took about 10-15 minutes to finish right before bed. I'd wrap my hair with a silk wrap, place my bonnet on top then off to bed. My morning routine was also rather easy. I'd gently take out my twists then used my diffuser to fluff my hair. This process also took about 10-15 minutes. After two days I stop twisting my hair at night. Instead, I'd pull my hair up on the top of my head in a pineapple, wrap it then head to bed. Below are the products I used for my Wash ‘N Go.
L: TGIN Leave-In Conditioner
O: Jamaican Casto Oil and Coconut Oil
C: Cantu Shea Butter
I also used a gel to hold my curl pattern as they dry. These are my go to’s:
As I Am Smoothing Gel (Absolute Fave)
Eco Styling Gel Argan Oil
Eco Styling Gel Olive Oil
Tip: If you are planning to style your hair in a Wash ‘N Go this summer consider these steps…
Detangle before you wash your hair
Be sure to thoroughly shampoo and condition your hair
Dry your hair with an old t-shirt or microfiber hair towel verses a regular towel
Section your hair in 4-6 parts
Use your favorite products or try the ones I suggested to complete the L.O.C. method.
Take your time on each section. Detangle + L.O.C
Using your gel, separate each curl per section
Once one section is complete loosely twist then go to the next
When you finish your entire head, use your diffuser to dry your roots (this will help stretch your curls)
Before bed, be sure to preserve your curls by re-twisting it or using the pineapple method.