Let nature take its course
Time in nature is one of my favorite ways to decompress. May it be a walk on the trail, sitting in open green spaces, hiking up a mountain or reflecting by the lake. Peace is in the great outdoors. The idea of nature being created by the word of God alone can bring peace. It was intentionally made with a wide variety of beauty. Nature is a gift to you and me. It serves as a reminder that God ultimately sees us, cares for us and is with us. If He so carefully created the complexities of nature to the extent that animals and plants have no worries, why should we hold on to stress, anxiety or fear. It’s not coincidently why some may say time in nature has natural remedies that benefit us. Studies say spending 120 minutes a week outdoors can impact your life for the better. It can reduce your blood pressure, stress levels and anxiety - just to name a few. As a mother and wife feelings of stress or anxiety will come and go throughout life. As a new mother, you may be fighting off feelings of postpartum depression. No matter where you are bad days will come but they will also go. It’s how you handle these moments that can either hold you in a rut or propel you forward. So the next time your peace is disrupted take a moment for yourself. Go outside, take a deep breath and prescribe yourself a dose of fresh air.
“We need to find God and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, grass, flowers - grows in silence. See the stars, the moon, and the sun how they move in silence... we need silence to be able to touch souls”
-Mother Teresa
If you have the opportunity to take a walk or run outdoors, do so. During this time, silence your mind of all negative or painful thoughts. Mute all of your concerns or worries for the moment. Remember you are alive. Reflect on what is true. Listen to your surroundings. Listen for the story being told. Do you hear the birds singing? Do you see the leaves changing colors as they prepare to fall off the branches? Do you feel the wind brushing up against you? Can you smell the crisp air first thing in the morning? There’s life all around you. Listen - there’s a refreshing experience to be had and a new perspective to gain. What are these moments saying to you? If silencing your thoughts are too hard at the moment listen to some music, a podcast or something inspirational. Find something that will uplift you. There’s a purpose -a reason- for your very existence. Keep living. When you get through this moment you’ll come out wiser and stronger. What you reflect on in these moments can carry you through, so choose them wisely. Speak peace over your mind, heart and soul. Peace over your situation which has caused you to be disheveled. Your words are powerful.
Take this time to reground yourself. What is true? You are an amazing mother. You are a lovely wife. You are a hardworking woman each and every single day. Who you are internally shines just as beautifully as your outward appearance. You are valued, desirable and loved. Don’t believe me? See Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Be patient with yourself. Patient with others. Mostly, be patient in the hard times. How has worrying, stress or fear helped you in the past? Surely nothing good came from it. However, let nature take its course. No matter how hard you may try, you can't rush the Father's plans. Nature shows us that. Everything about nature requires patience. Patience to grow, become and to enhance your perspective. Patience requires you to depend on He who is greater than you. Patience says, “where I am right now is not where I will be forever.” It's knowing there’s an end to every storm.
As you embrace this time outdoors, look at your surroundings. Isn’t it amazing how trees weather a storm. Some intertwine their roots to share nutrients and create a stronger anchor. Sure, they may lose a few branches along the way but together they withstand the storm. Doesn’t this sound familiar? We do this with our family and friends. We have a community in which we encourage, strengthen and support each other when storms come into our lives. Who are the people you are intertwined with? How can you create a stronger anchor together? Consider wildlife - birds of the air, land animals and animals of the sea. When seasons change their natural instincts kick in. Birds fly a specific direction to prepare for a new season. Bears know exactly when to start preparing for hibernation. And the list goes on. Likewise friends, though you may not know the exact move to make next, trust your instincts. As the animated character, Anna from Frozen 2 sang “Do the next right thing”. You’ve prayed, shed some tears and cleared your mind. What feels right to do next? Follow that feeling so long it’s not destructive. Sometimes the next right thing to do is to be still. Maybe there’s work being done below surface level. It’s not always about what you see above ground but rather what’s taking place underground. You may feel like you are suffocating but count it a blessing. Image yourself - your situation- as a seed. A seed that’s been planted. Trust you are planted in good, solid ground. Let your tears and prayers water your seeds. Understand you will sprout into something bigger, better and more beautiful than you could’ve ever imagined. You never fully know what type of seed you’ve planted until it has sprouted. So faint not, harvest season is near. Oh what joy it will be to witness the fruits your labor.
What a great teacher nature can be. It’s awesome how nature can provide such great insight to our complex lives. Keep hope alive in your heart.
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow...”