I dedicate this post to all hard working moms. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, I commend you. You do so many selfless acts and don't ask for much in return. You are instrumental to your family. I pray you never forget how valuable and irreplaceable you are. Know that your household could not function without you. Continue to be the glue that holds your family together. I do wonder though if you notice how much you spend pouring into the lives of others; your spouse, children, community. You probably don’t think much about it because it comes naturally to you, right? On the contrary, I want to challenge you to take a moment to think about the last time you did something just for you? Whether it was a 10 minute break or a full day of pampering, how did you feel during your personal time? Did you notice a difference in yourself at all? Did your family notice a difference in you? Well let me say, I am proud of you for taking a moment to just breath and recollect yourself. It doesn’t matter if you are a full-time mom, working mom or a work from home mom you juggle and manage so much. If you don’t already, you should schedule time in your day each week for just you. This is not a selfish act rather it benefits your family that much more.
I recently saw a reel on Instagram that I have to share. It showed a tall glass of water being poured out into smaller glasses. These smaller glasses were lined up side by side with titles such as husband, children, career, home, etc. ultimately leaving the tall glass - which represents you- empty. Then the reel switched to show the layout of the glasses differently. The smaller glasses were on the bottom in some what like a circle while the tall glass up stood on top. You then see a vase of water poured into the tall glass. Once the tall glass was full the other glasses began to reap the benefits by supporting the tall glass. They started receiving the extra flow of water. This was a beautiful illustration. I don’t believe it was meant to have a spiritual connection but I saw God. The first half of the reel is what us mothers do in our own strength. You give to everyone else which can leave you empty, tried and burnt out. You literally give until you have nothing left. I don’t believe that’s how God intend us to live our lives. When I reflect on the second half of the reel, I took note how the smaller glasses are holding up the taller glass. Together they - husband, children, career, etc. - provided stability and security to the taller glass. I see the vase of water as the God. When we allow Him to fill us we begin to overflow. This overflow fills those connected to us leaving everyone full.
I believe God can fill us in various ways when we allow Him. My prayer is that He will open your eyes to see Him in all aspects of your life so you may remain full daily. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 is a reminder to tend to our bodies and there’s practical ways to achieve this.
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
How are you honoring God with your temple? You’ve probably heard the saying ‘when you look good, you feel good’, its true. Set a health goal and go after it! If you haven’t done so already I encourage you to join a gym. Get a workout partner who will motivate you and serve as an accountability partner. If you can’t get to the gym because of the demands of life then get some simple home equipment. A few weights, resistance bands or ankle weights are a good start. Now that summer is here, you could also go for a run/walk, maybe even a hike. Get active! Just don’t forget to stretch. Something is better than nothing, ladies. Treat your body as a borrowed property which was bought at a high price. Take care of it while you have it. You should also make sure to eat a well balanced diet. You are what you eat. And drink your water! Don’t you want to live to see your children grow old, the birth of your grandchildren possibly even your great grandchildren? I know I do! Plan your meals and include a cheat meal (or cheat day). You want to set up a lifestyle you can maintain. This will benefit your family too because they will likely eat whatever you make, especially if it looks and smells good!
We all know your outer appearance means nothing unless you take some time to also transform yourself internally; your mind, your heart and your soul. What’s on your mind that’s keeping you up at night? How are you handling your heartache? Is there something tormenting your soul? The first step to transformation is to acknowledge something is even there. Plan some time alone. If you are a writer, write; singer, sing. If nature provides an escape, again go for a walk. Some other ideas for personal time are taking a bubble bath, taking a nap, watch your favorite show or movie, paint, ride a bike, read a book or sow. Whatever your niche is, make time for it! Do what you need to do to find peace and assurance. If you need to talk it out, reach out to a friend. The benefit of connecting with a true friend is knowing what you share will stay between the two of you. And hopefully after your time together you feel recharged or grounded. Friends pour into each other by encouraging and supporting one another. Good friendships are a sign of wealth. I’ve also seen how God will use a friend as His mouthpiece to speak to exactly whatever I may be dealing with. Plan a lunch date and lean on you friend. For deeper things you are internalizing it may be beneficial to seek professional help. Find a counselor you trust that will walk alongside you judgement free. Do whatever you need to do in order to free yourself of negative internal thoughts. Above all else, make time to pray and mediate on the word of God. There’s honestly nothing that can fill you with substance like the word of God. It may sound cliché but the next time you are having a tough day I dare you to mediate on Philippians 4:6-7. I want you to take note how it impacts you.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Finally, whenever the time is right and your budget approves, treat yourself to something special. Plan a spa day. Schedule a facial, massage, manicure/pedicure or all of the above. Let your skin shine for you are full of beauty and grace. Enjoy that massage as it releases tension and stress from your body. Get pampered with a mani/pedi. I’d be remised if I didn’t encourage you to try something new to your hair. I don’t know what it is about getting a new hairdo that completes a transformation however it does. Or maybe you need a few new outfits to go with your that new body you worked so hard on. However you decide to treat yourself, enjoy making time for you! You deserve it! No matter what don’t forget to invite the Holy Spirit to partake with you. When He does, acknowledge it by giving thanks to Him.
If you have other other self-care tips that I didn't touch on please share below. If you have a personal testimony you’d like to share of how God filled you during a self-care day please share.
Let’s let His light shine.